[Walkthrough] Amnesia: Memories [Toma]

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Finally! I know I’m incredibly late with this, but I couldn’t figure out how to get his good ending for a long time ! I obviously forgot what I chose in the Japanese version so I thought that being sincere and comprehensive with Toma would do the trick, but it seems like it didn’t…After a while I finally figured out that being unnecessarily sincere is not a good thing and I think that makes me have a higher opinion of Amnesia:Memories as a game overall because it proved once again that it doesn’t like to play obvious. (And yes, I refused to look for another walkthrough to solve my problems XD Pride !)

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Please support Ify and Amnesia!

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I didn’t have the chance to post about this before, but since I just found out something that distressed me (though I knew it was unavoidable), I just HAVE to say it! Please. PLEASE! Support Idea Factory International and Amnesia through legal means. The game got released only a couple of days ago in USA, Europe and Australia (not sure if worldwide) on both PS Vita console and PC via Steam and it already got patches and cracks for ILLEGAL download. I realize that you can’t possibly have money for everything that you might be interested in, being a gamer or into the anime/manga community is a quite expensive hobby sometimes, BUT at least buy and support what you LIKE! Set your priorities straight! And the feeling with which I’m trying to convey this to you is doubled when being aware that otome games have an uncertain future in the West! Pirating them is the LEAST that the western otoge industry needs and it could even KILL IT! Fortunately the PS Vita was not yet hacked (yet…), but Ify put their faith into us and gambled to bring Amnesia to the PC for those poor unfortunate souls that still do not own a PS Vita. You could at least download it to try it out and see if you like it, but if you like it then BUY IT. I can’t emphasize more how important this is ! It’s not available in your country? Fine. If it’s not available there’s nothing you can do. But the “I don’t have money.” excuse does not justify it if you set your priorities straight! Save up! Every $$$ counts! And better, wait for a sale. Amnesia is already being sold at 40% less till today! You can’t right now? Save for the next sale! There will definitely be more in the future! Also, if you want to possibly see the sequels Amnesia Later and Amnesia Crowd being brought to the West, then it’s even more of a reason to BUY Amnesia: Memories!

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Don’t make Orion cry!

[NEWS] Idea Factory Announces New Norn 9, Brothers Conflict Visual Novels

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Idea Factory‘s Otomate brand of games for female players announced 12 new visual novels at its Otomate Party 2015 event on Saturday and Sunday. The games include new games for Brothers Conflict, Norn9: Norn + Nonette, and Code: Realize ~Sōsei no Himegimi~. Idea Factory also began streaming promotional videos for 11 of the new games on Sunday.

The games include:
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[NEWS] Norn9: Norn + Nonette anime adaption upcoming

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Summary: While on a school field trip, child prodigy Sorata Suzuhara wanders off after hearing a mysterious song and blacks out. When he comes to, he finds himself in unfamiliar place, and soon encounters a girl who informs him that he’s currently in turn of the century Japan.
In order to help him get home, Sorata follows her to a ship that she’s waiting for but when it appears it is not a wooden sailing ship, but a round aircraft that flies using technology that is beyond Sorata’s imagination. Even stranger, he discovers that the other 12 passengers – 3 young women and 9 men – are all supposedly espers with special powers, and are on some kind of journey at the behest of a multinational entity only known as The World.”

This and the upcoming year will definitely be good ones for otoge anime adaptions. Norn9: Norn + Nonette is an otome game developed by Otomate and released by Idea Factory for the PSP and later ported to PS Vita. This otoge will also get a release in English this Fall from Aksys Games. PREPARE YOUR PS VITAs!

As an anime, I think there might be potential of being one of the most consistent otome game adaptions looking at the “style” of the game. Definitely be looking forward to it!